
Tractor Advantages For Snow Removal

Tractor snow plows are steadily becoming more popular in snow removal operations. Ag tractors can satisfy many of the demanding requirements that snow removal contractors request, while at the same time being very cost effective. Many contractors ask “Why aren’t tractors more commonly used?”. The main hurdle to overcome is the fact that most of them in the USA do not come with a front hitch, which is required to attach a snow plow to the front. Imagine the possibilities if getting and equipping a tractor with the front hitch was easy! Kage Innovation is a firm believer in utilizing ag tractors in snow removal fleets. That is why from the beginning we have developed front hitches for many different makes and models of tractors.

Good visibility for plowing snow

· Visibility is good, new cabs are comfortable and have great heating systems.

Great Traction In The Snow

· Tractors are workhorses – they have incredible traction, and there are many ways to add weight; increasing traction and transferring the amount of effective horsepower to the ground.

Easy To Manuever And Operate

· New ‘automatic’ transmissions and other features like Kubota’s Bi-Speed Turning helps these tractors become more maneuverable and easy to use.

Cheap To Operate

· Tractors are very common (at least in the Midwest), so they are readily available and inexpensive to rent. Some examples of past rental programs we have encountered have been as low as $1,300 per month! That rivals a skidsteer rental in some cases!

Snow Pile Moving vs. Melting or Hauling

· Snow blowers can easily be mounted to the rear of any tractor. This provides snow removal contractors with a much less costly option for moving snow if the pile can be simply blown, rather than hauled. One snow blower-equipped tractor can replace a wheel loader and operator, plus the 2-3 trucks needed for hauling!

Wing Plow Increases Productivity

· Tractors can now be equipped with the Kage Shadow Blade, a new double-edged wing plow that mounts to the rear 3 point of 85+ HP tractors. When combining this with the average 10 or 12’ front blade, operators can increase their swath width by 4-6 ft. That is 40-50%!

In summary, Kage Innovation is not just about selling products, we are about creating hope for a better way of doing things in snow removal and landscape. We think that when customers are selecting their snow removal equipment, they should consider the increase in productivity, versatility and dependability that tractors can provide! During the upcoming SIMA show, ask us in person about how adding tractors to your snow removal fleet can increase your quality, confidence, and your bottom line.